Get the Agent App

(Information for people with Bank Account)

Get the SendSpend Agent App and start earning money immediately!

Download the SendSpend Customer App

What do I need?

  • Android Smart Phone or Tablet and an Internet Connection (cellular, wi-fi, satellite).
  • Sign Up is quick and easy. Download the App.
  • A bank Account
  • Master Agents – link unlimited Sub-Agents to a Master Agent – for shop owners who have more than 1 store or Outlet.
Download the SendSpend Customer App


In order to commence full service as a SendSpend Smart Agent, you will need to create a FLOAT in your Wallet by transferring funds from your bank account. 

Without a Float, you will not be shown as available to customers when they search for an Agent to make a deposit. You will, however, be shown as available for those wishing to withdraw cash or receive a remittance.

You will only be shown as an available Agent to customers who wish to deposit less than the amount of your float, so it’s important to ensure that you always have a float in your SendSpend Wallet.

Smart Agent Registration

  • What do I need to become a Smart Agent?

Android Smartphone

Cellphone Number (Any Network)

South African Registered ID of Foreign Passport


Proof of Address

Registered Bank Account*

* Registered Bank Account in order to create your SendSpend Cash Float and to withdraw money and your fees via EFT to your bank account.

  • How do I register as a Smart Agent?


For more information, please, contact us


Enter/Register your cellphone number.


You will receive an SMS which will be automatically verified by the SendSpend App. Once this is done you will be prompted to the next screen.


You will be required to enter:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Passport
  • Country Citizenship
  • ID number (South African Citizens)/Passport Number (Foreigners)


You will be required to accept the terms and conditions. 


You will be asked to select whether you wish to register as a:

  • Smart Agent or
  • Smart Sub Agent


Selecting Smart Agent will then require you to:

  • Enter your Bank Account and
  • Upload Proof of Address


Once you have entered your Bank account details and Proof of Address, your application will be Pending state whilst we verify your bank account and address. This can take up to 48 hours.

  • A small amount of money will be sent via EFT to your bank account. it will take up to 48 hours to credit your bank account.
  • The money will arrive in your account with a 5 Digit OTP number as the reference.
  • You will be required to enter that 5 Digit OTP in the Agent App to verify that you have access to the bank account.


Once you have completed the verification you will need to take a Selfie of yourself and create a PIN (Personal Identification Number) to authorise transactions.


Once this is complete, your Agent e-Wallet will be created and you will be able to commence.